
 Keynote by Michael Sieber:

“Can we afford “fake security”? A plea for a whole-of-society approach to Cyber Security”

The ubiquity of Cyber Space and its impact on our lives, its risk potential in operating critical infrastructures and hazardous assets, requires that governments, industry and academia take on responsibility, and not only “the user”, as often claimed. An interesting dilemma in that respect has been unveiled by the “security vs. privacy” discussion – while highest degrees of Cyber security may be desirable for some aspects of public security, they may not be desirable for other aspects (e.g. fighting Cyber Crime, countering Cyber Terrorism). Innovative technologies and concepts – such as discussed during the FSC 2018 – paired with a more comprehensive, “whole-of-society” approach to Cyber Security, may bring us closer to solutions which we badly need as time moves on. Some practical consideerations are given in view of possible ways ahead. The importance of stakeholder alliances , standards, industrial eco-systems and (international) cooperation is highlighted, also as an attempt to enlighten certain counterproductive myths.