After editions in Brussels, New York, Iguaçu, Berlin, the 6th edition of the Free and Safe in Cyberspace conference series was held last April 9th and 10th 2019 in Geneva, at the Fintech Fusion accelerator in 50 Avenue de la Praille, new home of the organizer Trustless Computing Association and its spin-off startup TRUSTLESS.AI.

IT security and banking experts discussed how we can define new paradigms and build a new international non-governmental standards setting and certification body – and a 1st complaint open ecosystem and target architecture – that can certify end-2-end IT services with radically-unprecedented levels of trustworthiness, while concurrently ensuring offline legitimate lawful access, all the way down to extreme CPU design review and fabrication oversight. Initially targeted at the confidentiality and integrity of human communications and financial transactions, it plans to be extended to other society-critical IT systems, such 5G networks, critical AIs, and large social media. 

As in previous editions, we sought the solution to 4 Challenges that we have identified since 2015 as key to achieve the IT and AI security that we need as a society, and to spur great economic opportunities.

Day 1. During Challenge A, we tried to answer the question “What new IT paradigms and certification governance models can deliver human communications and financial transactions that are radically-more-secure than today state-of-the-art?“. Then, in Challenge B, we asked: “If we can solve Challenge A, how can we concurrently solidly ensure legitimate lawful access to prevent grave crimes and enable its sustainable adoption?“. We explored the possibility that Challenge A and B are one and the same, solvable by uncompromising apply the best time-proven socio-technical paradigm. During Panel 1 and Panel 2, we  explored how such new technologies, certifications and ecosystems can provide great economic opportunities for early adopters, such as banks, wealth management firms, and local governments.

Day 2. During Challenges C and Challenge D, we analyzed the application of such new technologies and certifications in other society-critical IT systems, such as artificial intelligence, social networks and 5G networks. During Panel 3 to Panel 4, we explored how such new IT and certifications can provide the basis of national policies and international treaties that can contribute to peace, democracy, freedom, and even improve chances of rational human control over the future of AI.



 Fusion startup accelerator (50 Avenue de la Praille, Geneva)
Capacity: 50 seats capacity.
Language: English.

Theme for FSC 6th edition:

Cybersecurity: From a threat to a ket competitive advantage for the private banking industry? 

Cybercrime cost will reach $6 trillion by 2021, most of which unreported or unnoticed by the victims.

Our networks are broken. Monitoring of 3G, 4G and 5G networks is essential for nations’ ability to combat crime. But their lack of certified security and international accountability leads to major privacy and security risks for all citizens, and distrust among nations.

Our devices are broken. When even Bezos and Trump communications with their closest associates appear to be easily hackable even by mid-level hackers, what hope is there for the rest of us for?

Our digital banking is broken. Network tracking and lack of confidentiality, fast increasing identity thefts and financials frauds via spear-phishing and even voice cloning are eroding trust in financial transactions.

Key problem is that technologies are getting ever more complex and more obscure and hackers ever more resourceful. Current attempts to radically increase the trustworthiness of IT sensitive system – especially in  communications and transactions – are centered on the pursuit of scientific breakthroughs in the area of artificial intelligence, on quantum computing, and innovative encryption protocols, such as quantum-resistant, blockchains, zero-proof, end-2-end and homomorphic. Meanwhile, a few security-by-design or blockchain initiatives are taking a more holistic, short-term and trustless approach, which is centered on open, time-proven, battle-tested – yet future-proof – technologies and processes; transparent oversight down to critical hardware design and fabrication; a transparent resolution of the lawful access needs; and radically more accountable and resilient certification and ecosystem governance models.

But is it really a technological problem? Or is it instead that all IT is broken – by design, at birth – to satisfy legitimate needs of law enforcement?  Can we have both meaningful freedom and public safety in cyberspace?

Most believe that meaningful digital freedoms and public safety are an inevitable “either-or” choice, a sort of “zero-sum game“. We discovered it may well be instead a “both-or-neither” challenge, solvable primarily through the same zero-trust socio-technical paradigms and international certification governance models. This is all the more urgent as the breaking of all IT at birth by powerful nations, to retain investigative access, has placed the safety and freedom of nearly all citizens, and the very integrity of their democratic systems, in the hands of the most powerful hacking entities.

Can a new international standards setting and certification body – and complaint open ecosystem – achieve radically-unprecedented levels of confidentiality and integrity – for our most sensitive human computing, and then other critical systems – while concurrently ensuring offline legitimate lawful access?

Can a few leading wealth management firms, enterprises, public institutions and NGOs can leverage such an innovation to turn client-side cybersecurity from a threat into a fundamental competitive advantage in their respective markets.


Gerhard Knecht

Former Chief Information Security Officer and Head of Information Security Services of UNISYS. Senior Advisor at TRUSTLESS.AI 

Marco Obiso

Head of the Cybersecurity Division at the UN International Telecommunication Union.

Eldo Mabiala

Group Head of Security and Organisation at SYZ Group, a leading Swiss wealth management firm.

Bertrand Tavernier

VP Software Research & Technologies for Thales Group. Lead of RISC-V-based SW ecosystem research.

Tony Zeiger

Founder and CIO of PeakView Private Investment Office.

Laurent Bischof

Managing Director of the Fusion startup accelerator and Polytech Ventures Holding.

Jean-Marc Rickli

Former Chief Information Security Officer and Head of Information Security Services of UNISYS. Senior Advisor at TRUSTLESS.AI

Michael Kleiner

Director of the Department of Economic Development, Directorate General for Economic Development, Research and Innovation, Republic and State of Geneva.

Jaan Tallinn

Founder of Skype and Kazaa. Philantropist and founder of  theAI safety centers Future of Life Institute and Centre for the Study of Existential Risk.

Stuart Armstrong

James Martin Research Fellow at Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University.

Phillipe Thévoz

Vice-President of eGovernment Systems at SICPA, global leader in anti-counterfeit technologies.

Christian Wirth

Co-Founder of Privacy by Blockchain Design. Former Senior Blockchain Architect at IBM Berlin. Advisor to TRUSTLESS.AI. Privacy researcher.

Juan Carlos Lara

Managing Partner at the POINT5 Family Office, NGO advisor. Anti-corruption keynote speaker.

Caroline Portal

Former Chief Information Security Office of the Judiciary of the Republic and Canton of Geneva. Formerly IT executive at luxury retailer Richemont.

Carmela Troncoso

Director of the EPFL Spring Lab Security and Privacy Engineering Laboratory in Lausanne.

Solange Ghernaouti

Director of the Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and Research Group. Member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences.

Roman Yampolskiy

Long-term AI and IT security expert, author and professor. Director of the Cyber Security Lab. Author of “Artificial Superintelligence: a Futuristic Approach“.

Steven Meyer

CEO and co-founder of ZENData Cybersecurity professional, researcher & evangelist. Columnist at Bilan.Keynote speaker.

Troy Davis

President of the World Citizen Foundation. Fellow at World Federalist Institute.

Antoine Clerget

Senior Director of Engineering at Symphony.com, leading messaging and groupware for the financial sector.

Paul Wang

Forensic expert. Executive Advisor to the CEO and Advisory Board Member at High-Tech Bridge, Advisory Board Member and Cybersecurity Advocate at Mt Pelerin. 

Leila Delarive

President of the Empowerment Foundation. Co-Founder & CEO
of Amplify.

Lennig Pedron

Founder and President of ICON NGO based in Geneva, Director of the R&D laboratory of cybersecurity of SecuLabs in Innovation Park – EPFL campus

Davide Barillari

Italian Regional Councillor in Lazio Region. Formerly at IBM for 17 years. Expert in Digital democracy, IT security and blockchain. Submitted the 1st law proposal for Trustless Computing.

Michel Jaccard

Founder and CEO of Id Est Avocats, Swiss law firm specialized in digital privacy and open innovation.

Stephen Wall

Co-founder of Wealth Mosaic, leader building connections world-wide between startups and wealth managers.

Stephane Nappo

Group Chief Information Security Officer at OVH. Formerly was Chief Information Security Officer of Societè Generale.

Rufo Guerreschi

Executive Director of the Trustless Computing Association. CEO of its spin-off TRUSTLESS.AI. Founder of the Free and Safe in Cyberspace conference series.

Emmanuelle Tzanos

Committee Member at CLUSIT, the Fédération des Entreprises Romandes FER Genève and the State of Geneva.

Wouter ’t Hoen

Senior Legal Expert in privacy and data protection law. Formerly at the Dutch Ministry of the Interior, the European Commission and T-Mobile Netherlands.

Luca Benini

Professor of digital circuits and systems at ETH Zurich. Professor at Università di Bologna.

Daniel Haudenschild

President of the Board Of Directors of the Crypto Valley Association. Former CEO of Swisscom Blockchain.


April 9th, Tuesday

12:00 pm – Registration & light lunch 

01:00 pm – Welcome by Laurent Bischof, Managing Director of Fusion and Polytech Ventures. Video Link

01:10 pm – Welcome by Michael Kleiner, Head of Department of Economic Development, Directorate General for Economic Development, Research and Innovation, Republic and State of Geneva.
“Economic opportunities for Geneva in the area of IT security”. Video Link

01:20 pm – Keynote by Marco Obiso, Head of Cybersecurity Division at UN International Communication Union. “Paths towards next- generation international IT security standards and certifications for sensitive human communications and transactions”  Video Link

01:30 pm – Introduction by Rufo Guerreschi, Exec. Dir. of Trustless Computing Association and CEO of TRUSTLESS.AI.
4 Challenges of Free and Safe in Cyberspace.“. Video Link

  • Video Link
  • Moderator: Gerhard Knecht –Panelists:  Marco Obiso, Luca Benini, Manuela Troncoso, Reinhard Posch, Solange Ghernaouti.
  • How can we provide ordinary citizens access to affordable and user-friendly IT services with levels of trustworthiness that are radically-unprecedented (i.e. ultra-high assurance*) and meaningfully-abiding to the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, at least for their most sensitive computing?
    Can we re-create in cyberspace a meaningful private sphere
    What are the key paradigms needed to achieve this goal? What is the role of uncompromisingly “zero trustsecurity-by-design paradigms, via transparent and extreme review and oversight of all critical lifecycle components and processes? Can we realistically secure enough CPU design and chip fabrication oversight? What are the advantages, disadvantages and limitations of free/open source software? What is the role of formal verification? What is the role of public security-review by “ethical” experts? How about Blockchains, Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence? Can citizen-witness and citizen-jury processes help secure the supply-chain? What is the role of certification and oversight governance?  What scale of investments are needed? Can we imagine a parallel hardware and software ultra-secure computing universe, as a user-friendly supplement to every-day computing devices?  Read more

02:40pm – Coffee break

02:50 pm – Keynote by Gerhard Knecht “Towards ultra-high assurance IT for human computing”

03:00 pm –  Intro to Challenge B by the Trustless Computing Association. Video Link 

  • Video Link 
  • Moderator: Rufo Guerreschi 
    Panel 1: Michel Jaccard, Hoten t’ Wouter, Caroline Portal, Antoine Clerget, Bernard Tavernier.
  • Can providers of ultra-high assurance* IT reliably offer compliance mechanisms to legitimate lawful access requests – voluntarily (i.e. in addition to what’s required by selected jurisdictions) – while overall reducing both resulting risks for the privacy of users and for public safety? If so, how?What are the core paradigms of such certification processes?
    Can the same extreme technical and human safeguards that are needed to deliver ultra-high assurance also enable voluntary compliance to lawful access request – at least in some EU states – that overall reduce the risk of privacy rights abuse of end-users by anyone to levels that are radically or substantially lower than any of the other alternative secure IT systems which do not offer such voluntary processing? Could or should such processes rely on a provider-managed voluntary data and/or key recovery scheme that is certified and overseen by primarily-non-governmental radically citizen-accountable, independent and competent international body? Could the inevitable added risk be essentially shifted from technical systems to resilient in-person organizational processes? Read more

04:10 pm – Coffee break

04:30 pm – Keynote & QA by Rufo Guerreschi: Case for a Trustless Computing Certification Body. Ongoing initiative for a standard setting and certification body suitable to certify ultra-high levels of trustworthiness for IT systems and their voluntary offline compliance to legitimate lawful access requests. Initially for human communications and transactions, and then for society-critical and complex IT systems. Video Link

05:10 pm – Coffee break

05:30 pm Keynote by Daniel Haudenschild, President of the Crypto Valley Association
“Core challenge to raise the actual and perceived trustlessness and trustworthiness of blockchains in the banking sector” Video Link

05:40 pm –  Keynote by Roman Yampolskiy (Video Link)
“Challenges of AI safety and resilience: the role of technical and socio-technical technical breakthroughs, of adequate certification bodies and transnational governance” Video Link

05:50 pm – Intro by Rufo Guerreschi, Exec. Dir. Trustless Computing Association
Introduction to Panels 1 and 2: wealth management and client-side cybersecurity” Video Link

06.00 pm – Keynote by Stephen Wall of Wealth Mosaic
“Trends and developments in the global WealthTech landscape and the relative importance and focus on their security”. Video Link

  • Video Link
  • Moderator: Tony Zeiger  — Panelists: Eldo Mabiala, Stephen Wall, Tony Zeiger, Solange Gherbouti, 
  • Hackers and data breaches are part of the daily news. But bulk of cybercrime is unreported or unnoticed, with behind the scene financial frauds, extortion and theft of personal and business secrets. Wealth management clients are ever more concerned about the confidentiality of their advisory and security of their financial transactions, and this in turn increases friction to client relationship where client will just trust face-to-face meeting for confidential matters. Even the best and most secure apps, expensive devices, authentication methods are vulnerable to confidentiality, integrity and authentication breaches even by mid-level hackers. Will the “call back” transaction verification be enough when voice cloning and deep fakes technologies are constantly improving? Meanwhile, IT giants like are rapidly moving into banking, and increasingly taking control of the client user interface and trust relationship like WeChat or WhatsApp, and being  able to offer better security by controlling the underlying software and hardware like Apple. 

06:40 pm – Aperitif session

06.50 pm – Spephane Nappo, Group Chief Information Security Officer at OVH:
Threats and opportunities of client-side security in the banking sector” 

  • Video Link
  • Moderator: Steven Meyer — Panelists: Eldo Mabiala, Emmanuelle Tzanos, Rufo Guerreschi, Tony Zeiger.
  • Cyber in the financial World done correctly can open doors to new and amazing opportunity; but done wrong, it can bring us back to the age of pen & paper. Both ease of use and security of digital financial advisory are critical to retain, deepen and expand client relationship in the digital age. 
    How can financial institutions  become the digital trust partner of their clients? How can this be done and what advantage would the leaders gain compared to the followers? Can a group of leading enterprises, wealth management firms, banks, NGOs and nations gain a fundamental competitive advantage in digital trust by leading the creation and adoption of next-generation IT security paradigms and certifications? 

08:00 pm  Aperitif, snack and networking

09:00 pm  End

*Definition of “ultra-high assurance”: In civilian and military IT security, it is used to refer to systems of the highest level of trustworthiness in confidentiality, integrity, and/or availability. Perfect trustworthiness will never exist, but we have learned that even current “high assurance” technologies, standards, and certifications are radically inadequate for the needs of citizens, enterprises, democratic institutions, critical societal systems, and autonomous systems.

April 10th, Tuesday

08:30 am – Registration & Coffee

09:10 am – Welcome by Rufo Guerreschi
“Introduction to Free and Safe in Cyberspace – Challenges C and D”

  • Video Link
  • Moderator: Troy Davis — Speakers: Stuart Armstrong, Leila Delarive, Lennig Pedron, Rufo Guerreschi.
  • Recent calls for international treaties or new ethics for the trustworthiness of IT or AI systems – such as Tech Accord, Charter of Trust, Call of Paris or a Digital Geneva Convention – are crucial to raise awareness. Yet, none of them tackles head on the need for trustworthy cybersecurity certifications to enforce the oversight of treaties or enact the principles of such declarations. 
    How can such certification bodies increase the resilience and “forensic friendliness”, to radically improve resistance against attacks and confidence about attacks attribution? — What constituent processes can ensure a timely, effective and democratically-efficient implementation – by a critical mass of actors – of meaningfully-enforceable national policies or international treaties for ultra-high assurance IT standards setting and certification processes? 

10:40 am Keynote by Kolain 
“Novel risk-based instruments of the GDPR – How to create trust through legal informatics” Video Link

10:50 am – Coffee Break

11.10 am – Keynote by Stuart Armstrong: How can a coalition of actors promote the establishment of adequate global AI governance by exiting the current semi-anarchic default condition.”  Video Link

11.20 am – Keynote by Troy Davis: 
“The history of the fight for a federal global government: from 
Garry Davis in 1945 all the way to the needs of global AI regulation” (trailer video on Garry Davis) Video Link

11.35 am – “Skype-Side Chat” with Jaan Talliin (recorded video interview) 
“Need, challenges and scenarios of global governance of AI ” Video Link

  • Video Link
  • Moderator: Christian Wirth — Speakers: Paul Wang, Philippe Thevoz, Michael Kolain, Jorn Erbguth.
  • A large majority of IT security experts and prospective blockchain institutional users are still highly sceptical of the security claims of even the most securely-architected or time-tested blockchains. Many challenges remains to be addressed. How can the blockchain benefit from ultra-high assurance IT systems (for example, on the client -side) and their certification models? How can blockchains, in turn, measurably improve the assurance of high-assurance systems? 

09:50 am – Keynote by Wirth 
Can blockchain technology become market-ready, trustworthy and GDPR-compliant through standardisation?”  Video Link

10.00 am – Keynote by Leila Delarive
law harness the tech (r)evolution?”  Video Link

  • Moderator: Rufo Guerreschi — Speakers:  Christian Wirth, Leila Delarive, Stuart Armstrong, Tim Llewellynn.
  • Current attempts to radically increase the trustworthiness of critical IT systems are often centered on the pursuit of scientific breakthroughs in the area of artificial intelligence, quantum computing and cryptography, blockchains, and new protocols, such as zero-knowledge proof, and end-2-end and homomorphic encryption. Meanwhile, a few security-by-design or blockchain initiatives are taking a more holistic, short-term and trustless approach, centered on open, time-proven, battle-tested – yet future-aware – technologies and processes; transparent oversight down to critical hardware design and fabrication; a transparent resolution with extreme safeguards of the lawful access needs; and more accountable and resilient certification and ecosystem governance models.

12:20 pm   Coffee Break

  • Video Link
  • Moderator: Rufo Guerreschi
    Panelist: Troy Davis, Stuart Armstrong, Jean-Marc Rickly, Leila Delarive, Lennig Pedron
  • Can the all-powerful threats of AI and cybersecurity provide the needed motivation to build adequate open federal transnational democratic institutions, as the nuclear threat nearly did in 1945? Can the threats (and opportunities) of the accelerating pace AI and the destabilizing effect of cyber-warfare constitute a unique opportunity to radically empower and democratize our transnational governance institutions? 

13:00 pm – Light Lunch and Networking

02:00 pm  End



The Trustless Computing Association is a non-profit organization, based in Zurich, that has aggregated World-class partners and advisors to build open IT technologies, certifications and ecosystems that can deliver levels of trustworthiness that are radically higher than state-of-the-art.Together with its spin-off startup TRUSTLESS.AI – based in Zurich – the associaiton has been building (1) Trustless Computing Certification Body, a new IT security standards-setting, certification body, aimed at radically-unprecedented levels of trustworthiness, while at once solidly enabling legit lawful access and (2) building the Seevik Pod and Net, an initial open computing base, ecosystem and IT device, compliant to such new certifications.


Gerhard Knecht

Former Chief Information Security Officer and Head of Information Security Services of UNISYS. Senior Advisor at TRUSTLESS.AI.

Dr. Gerhard Knecht is the Head of the Global Unisys vertical business unit for Security Services, and current advisor for Trustless Computing Association as well as their startup spinoff, TRUSTLESS.AI. He is in charge of over 160 staff in 8 Security Operations Centers (SOC) and global operations. He is Globally responsible for portfolio development, sales and pre-sales support, implementation and service delivery. As an enterprise services CISO, Dr. Knecht is solely responsible for Information Security in all Unisys Data Centers and Service Centers around the globe, reporting to the head of Global Service Delivery. He also invented and implemented the Unisys Security Implementation Methodology (UniSIM) and all its constituent parts, such as BeATo (Benchmark Assessment Tool) for Capability Maturity Assessments, as well as designing and developing the National Information Security Framework of Portugal. He was voted by SC Magazine and (ISC)2 one of the top 10 Influential Security Professionals in the UK, and holds a PhD in computer science from Innsbruck University, Austria, as well as sever other certifications and diplomas from various institutions.

Marco Obiso

Head of the Cybersecurity Division at the UN International Telecommunication Union.

Marco Obiso is the Head of Cyber Security and ICT applications division at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the lead UN-specialized agency for ICTs and has been working in the field of Information and Communication Technologies for the past two decades. He has been operating in several ICT related domains such as network infrastructure development, system integration, application cooperation, IT Service Management, Internet governance and information security. He is currently facilitating the work of ITU in elaborating cyber security strategies and implementing programs and initiatives as well as leading the ITU’s efforts on enabling the use of ICT applications, for the benefit of ITU Member States, including providing technical assistance in establishing capabilities and working to strengthen coordination and cooperation within the UN system.

Eldo Mabiala

Group Head of Security and Organisation at SYZ Group, a leading Swiss wealth management firm.

Mathematics is my passion. I decided to apply them to information systems. After having climbed all the steps of the IT security professions, I am leading today a department with a very large scope in a successful bank. Eldo Mabiala is Head of Security and Organisation at SYZ Group, a financial institution active in Wealth Management, Asset Management and Private Equity in Switzerland and in several other countries. He is responsible for Cybersecurity, Information security, IT Risk Management, Business Continuity and security aspects of all strategic projects of the Group. Data protection is considered a key topic directly tied to service quality characteristic of SYZ Group. Therefore, Mr. Mabiala is involved in several initiatives driven by management, business or operations. He has been part of several working groups to prepare the regulation changes forecasted by the Swiss Financial Authority. Eldo has a particular interest in Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Communications and Identity Management. Furthermore, he can count on several years’ experience in IT risk Management within Wealth Management institutions in Switzerland and abroad. He holds a Master degree in Applied and Mathematics and a Master degree in Communication systems, as well several diplomas and technical certifications.

Bertrand Tavernier

VP Software Research & Technologies for Thales Group. Lead of RISC-V-based SW ecosystem research.

Bertrand Tavernier is VP Software Research & Technologies for Thales Group. He manages global software R&T strategy and lead software architects network between the six Thales GBUs (Global Business Unit) and the five Thales Research & Technology centers. Prior, he held several positions related to safety critical embedded software as Safran Electronics workbench chief engineer from 2011 to 2015.

Tony Zeiger

Founder and CIO of PeakView Private Investment Office.

Tony Zeiger is the Founder and Chief Investment Officer of PeakView Private Investment Office in Geneva, a privately-owned, independent firm that acts as the in-house investment partner for a select number of UHNW client relationships. With over 25 years’ experience in private client investment management, he has led some of the largest investment advisory teams at leading international private banks within Europe, having overseen the management of over $15 billion of client assets from over 60 countries. Previously he was the Head of Investment Advisory (Geneva) for UBS, the Head of Middle East & Africa Investment Advisory (Europe) for Deutsche Bank, Head of Investment Group (Geneva) for National Bank of Abu Dhabi and Head of Investment Advisory (London) for Barclays Private Bank. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst, and holds Bachelor of Business (Management) majoring in Economics and Marketing from the Queensland University of Technology.”

Laurent Bischof

Managing Director of the Fusion startup accelerator and Polytech Ventures Holding.

Managing Partner of Polytech Ventures, Laurent has over 10 years of private equity investment experience, including an operational role in VC funded companies and was also an early stage investor. Former personal assistant of Mr. Armand Lombard, Private Banker, Laurent had managed a biotech start-up before joining Bisange, an investment consulting company. In parallel, he directly supported the launch of several start-ups, and was part of a European private investors circle. In 2006, he joined a family office based in Switzerland as Head of Private equity. He was in charge of all the PE activities and managed investments across Europe in several industries as e-gaming, financial services and real estate. Laurent holds a masters degree in international relation (IUHEI) & an Executive Master’s Degree in Technology Management (eMBA in MoT, EPFL).

Jean-Marc Rickli

Former Chief Information Security Officer and Head of Information Security Services of UNISYS. Senior Advisor at TRUSTLESS.AI

Jean-Marc Rickli is the Lead Expert on global risks and resilience at the Geneva Center for Security Policy. He focuses on the impact and consequences of geopolitical risks as well as emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence on international affairs and international business. He was a former assistant professor in International Relations and International Security at the Department of Defense Studies at King’s College but based at the Qatar National Defense College. He then received a PhD from the University of Oxford and Berrow scholar from Lincoln College, Oxford. He has expert knowledge of international affairs, foreign policy analysis, geopolitics, political, strategic and global risk analysis as well as risks related to artificial intelligence. He also has extensive international experience in academic research and teaching (assistant professor level) undergraduate and post-graduate students, government officials and military officers in Austria, Belgium, China, Finland, Iceland, Qatar, Sweden, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States. Jean-Marc is also a Consultant on strategies and policies regarding political risks for governments and the private sector. He is passionate about emerging technologies and the interactions between science, technology and society, and possesses expertise in fields like political analysis, risk analysis, small states’ security, business intelligence, strategic studies, security policy, defense policy, defense economics, diplomacy, foreign policy, international negotiations, energy security, artificial intelligence, social media and international security, terrorism, war and its impact on businesses, finance and international security, European security, Middle East and gulf security.

Michael Kleiner

Director of the Department of Economic Development, Research and Innovation, Republic and State of Geneva.

Director of the Department of Economic Development, Directorate-General for Economic Development, Research and Innovation, Republic and State of Geneva. An Economic Development Officer since October 2013, Michael is in charge of Asian markets and covers the economic sectors of commodity trading and digital innovation. Previously, he coordinated the Geneva Host City of the 2008 UEFA European Football Championship for the Government of the State of Geneva.

Jaan Tallinn

Founder of Skype and Kazaa. Philantropist and founder of theAI safety centres Future of Life Institute and Centre for the Study of Existential Risk.

Jaan Tallinn (born 14 February 1972) is an Estonian computer programmer and investor known for his participation in the development of Skype in 2002 and FastTrack/Kazaa, a file-sharing application, in 2000. Jaan Tallinn is partner and co-founder of the development company Bluemoon which created the game SkyRoads.

Stuart Armstrong

James Martin Research Fellow at Future of Humanity InstituteOxford University.

Stuart Armstrong’s research at the Future of Humanity Institute centers on the safety and possibilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI), how to define the potential goals of AI and map humanity’s partially defined values into it, and the long term potential for intelligent life across the reachable universe. He has been working with people at FHI and other organizations, such as DeepMind, to formalize AI desiderata in general models so that AI designers can include these safety methods in their designs. His collaboration with DeepMind on “Interruptibility” has been mentioned in over 100 media articles. Stuart Armstrong’s past research interests include comparing existential risks in general, including their probability and their interactions, anthropic probability (how the fact that we exist affects our probability estimates around that key fact), decision theories that are stable under self-reflection and anthropic considerations, negotiation theory and how to deal with uncertainty about your own preferences, computational biochemistry, fast ligand screening, parabolic geometry, and his Oxford D. Phil. was on the holonomy of projective and conformal Cartan geometries.

Phillipe Thévoz

Vice-President of eGovernment Systems at SICPA, global leader in anti-counterfeit technologies.

Phillipe Thévoz is the e-government systems vice president at SICPA, where he provides digital integrity solutions to government, administrations and public services. His overall aim is to accompany governments in their journey toward e-government, smart city and e-health, as well as to guide governments and public administrations in their digital & technological transformations. Phillipe also advises governments and public administrations in their adoption and integration of blockchain technology. Previously, he was senior engineering director at ESI Group for 5 years, as well as the founder and CEO of Calcom SA, where he worked for 11 years.

Christian Wirth

Co-Founder of Privacy by Blockchain Design. Former Senior Blockchain Architect at IBM Berlin. Advisor to TRUSTLESS.AI. Privacy researcher.

Christian Wirth is a computer scientist researching in the blockchain field since 2013. Previously, he worked as a Senior Blockchain Architect for IBM and published several papers in the field with Michael KolainResearching on Blockchain – Technology and it’s legal implications (German/European Law) since late 2013, I published articles about “Privacy by BlockChain Design: A BlockChain-enabled GDPR-compliant Approach for Handling Personal Data” https://dl.eusset.eu/handle/20.500.12015/3159 and “MultiChain Governance” and have been invited to speak about this topic by Institutions like Fraunhofer FOCUS.

Juan Carlos Lara

Managing Partner at the POINT5 Family Office, NGO advisor. Anti-corruption keynote speaker.

The Top 100 People in Finance for 2019 according to the Top 100 Magazine and a dual citizenship from Mexico and USA, Juan Carlos Lara is an alumnus of the Universidad IberoamericanaHarvard University and the University of Barcelona with a pending thesis. In the 80s and 90’s he developed the Banamex-Citibank NYC office and managed its 2B+ securities portfolio, and the sales and trading areas. He also initiated LD Securities, a USA broker dealer in Texas to serve LATAM In the year 2000. Juan Carlos later moved to Switzerland in 2010 to work for UBS & HSBC and established POINT5 Family Office in 2015. Juan Carlos’s main focus is in ESG is because he believes that companies that have secular sustainability drivers create positive impact and will have higher earnings growth and valuations than those that do not adopt sustainability as a core tenet. He is a Swiss Alpine farmer traditions aficionado and has previously spoken at engagements like the V Private investment forum Worldwide at the Burj al Arab in Dubai, and the 3rd Switzerland Institutional Real Estate Investor Forum in Zurich.

Caroline Portal

Former Chief Information Security Office of the Judiciary of the Republic and Canton of Geneva. Formerly IT executive at luxury retailer Richemont.

Former Chief Information Security Office of the Judiciary of the Republic and Canton of Geneva. Formerly IT executive at luxury online reatiler Richemont. Working in IT for 20 years, Caroline has a strong experience of software implementation. She hold positions ranking from developer, in her early stage, till solution owner and CISO. Those allowed her to gain a clear understanding of IT solution design. Specifically, she’s interested in challenges raised by putting together business needs and IT constraints – most of those related to security, whether data integrity, reliability and access control.

Carmela Troncoso

Director of the EPFL Spring Lab Security and Privacy Engineering Laboratory in Lausanne.

Prior to EPFL, Carmela has been a Faculty member at the IMDEA Software Institute in Madrid, Spain; the Security and Privacy Technical Lead Engineer at Gradiant, and a post doctoral researcher at the COSIC group, lead by Prof. Bart Preneel. She received her PhD from KULeuven, Belgium, advised by Prof. Bart Preneel and Prof. Claudia Diaz. Today, she heads the SPRING Lab focused on Security and Privacy Engineering at EPFL, and is currently, working on machine learning in security and privacy, anonymous communications, location privacy and privacy engineering.

Solange Ghernaouti

Director of the Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and Research Group. Member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences.

Solange Ghernaouti is the director of the Swiss Cybersecurity Advisory and Research Group, professor of the University of Lausanne and president of the Foundation SGH (Social Good for Humanity). She is an internationally recognized expert, an active independent cybersecurity advisor, an influential analyst and a regular media commentator. She offers strategic and practical advice, targeted research, and detailed education in a variety of fields related to cyber-risks, cybersecurity, cybercrime, cyberdefence, cyberpower, and AI related issues. She is invited to the five continents to give talks and regularly intervene in UN Agencies, private and public organizations. Solange holds a PhD in computer science and telecommunications from Paris-Sorbonne University, and is a former auditor of the French Institute of Advanced Studies in National Defence. She has authored more than 300 publications and more than thirty books including “Cyberpower: Crime, Conflict, and Security in Cyberspace” (translated in China). Prof. Ghernaouti is Chevalier of the Legion d’Honneur, member of the Swiss commission for UNESCO, member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, and has been recognized several times by the Swiss press as one of the outstanding women in professional and academic circles. She is board member of The Global Initiative Against Transnational Crime (Maison de la Paix, Geneva) and associate fellow of the Geneva Center for Security Policy.

Roman Yampolskiy

Long-term AI and IT security expert, author and professor. Director of the Cyber Security Lab. Author of “Artificial Superintelligence: a Futuristic Approach

Dr Roman V. Yampolskiy is a Tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering and Computer Science at the Speed School of Engineering, University of Louisville. He is the founding and current director of the Cyber Security Lab and an author of many books including Artificial Superintelligence: a Futuristic Approach. During his tenure at UofL, Dr. Yampolskiy has been recognized as: Distinguished Teaching Professor, Professor of the Year, Faculty Favorite, Top 4 Faculty, Leader in Engineering Education, Top 10 of Online College Professor of the Year, and Outstanding Early Career in Education award winner among many other honours and distinctions. Yampolskiy is a Senior Member of IEEE and AGI, Member of Kentucky Academy of Science, and Research Advisor for MIRI and Associate of GCRI. Roman Yampolskiy holds a PhD degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo. He was a recipient of a four year NSF (National Science Foundation) IGERT (Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship) fellowship. Dr Yampolskiy’s main areas of interest are AI Safety, Artificial Intelligence, Behavioral Biometrics, Cybersecurity, Digital Forensics, Games, Genetic Algorithms, and Pattern Recognition. Dr Yampolskiy is an author of over 100 publications including multiple journal articles and books. His research has been cited by 1000+ scientists and profiled in popular magazines both American and foreign.

Steven Meyer

CEO and co-founder of ZENData Cybersecurity professional, researcher & evangelist. Columnist at Bilan.Keynote speaker.

With an EPFL master’s degree in cyber security & cryptography, Steven Meyer is also a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). After working at Microsoft, he was a cracker of passwords and expert consultant in computer security. Steven finally, in 2012, founded ZENData a company specialized in cyber-protection. He also runs the cyber-security section of Bilan magazine and makes numerous appearances in the media and at events to raise awareness about cyber-risks.

Troy Davis

President of the World Citizen Foundation. Fellow at World Federalist Institute.

Polymath lover of science, languages, and history. Democracy engineer and democracy engineering theoretician. President of the World Citizen Foundation, president of the association for the School of democracy, Secretary general of For European democracy, environmental expert (former executive director of the International Network for Environmental Management), board member of the Eco-conseil, Institut européen de conseil en environnement. Graduate of Harvard University (Theoretical Physics) and Strasbourg University (Languages). Lecturer at Strasbourg University, Friedrich-Albert University in Freiburg (Germany), Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Lörrach (Germany)

Antoine Clerget

Senior Director of Engineering at Symphony.com, leading messaging and groupware for the financial sector.

Antoine Clerget has 15 to 20 years of experience as a CTO, technology leader and entrepreneur in Information Technologies, Internet, IT and networking. He has been involved in R&D, product management and innovation in networking, satellite communication, wan optimization, IP routing, mobile TV, SDN/NFV, standardization, and technical partnerships.

Paul Wang

Forensic expert. Executive Advisor to the CEO and Advisory Board Member at High-Tech Bridge, Advisory Board Member and Cybersecurity Advocate at Mt Pelerin.

With over 20 years of experience in the Big 4 firms, Paul Wang advised corporations in Strategy, Investigation, Litigations, Infosec, Cybercrime, Risk and Compliance. Previously a partner of the Regional Head of Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services and Head of Forensic Technology & Discovery Services at EY Switzerland. Widely solicited as a lecturer at conferences and seminars, Paul hold a Masters of Science in Computer Science, certifications including CISA, CISSP, CISM, CRISC and a certificate from MIT Sloan School of Management in Blockchain Technologies.

Leila Delarive

President of the Empowerment Foundation. Co-Founder & CEO
of Amplify

President of the Empowerment Foundation in Lausanne, and Organizer of the Empowerment Summit, Leila Delarive began her career as a lawyer specialized in telecommunications, environmental and land use planning law. After more than 10 years of being a member of the Bar, Leila has become a committed entrepreneur. She has created several companies, including Be Curious TV, a citizen TV channel, and Amplify, a digital platform for amplifying messages with a positive social impact. Convinced that individual responsibility is crucial in the digital age, she is interested in tools that enable citizens to make enlightened decisions, to adapt and to benefit from the changes brought by technological evolution.

Lennig Pedron

Founder and President of ICON NGO based in Geneva, Director of the R&D laboratory of cybersecurity of SecuLabs in Innovation Park – EPFL campus

Lennig Pedron is the founder and president of ICON NGO based in Geneva. She is an expert in human factors in cybersecurity and the director of the R&D laboratory of cybersecurity of SecuLabs in Innovation Park EPFL. She is also the founding member of the Swiss label Cyber Safe. Previously, Lennig Pedron worked last year at College d’été about responsible behaviors in cyberspace, and participated at a round table in Maison de la Paix on the 13th September, organised by the ICON NGO, with 25 stake holders (ONU, ITU, GCSP, DFAE, OFCOM, ISOC ICANN, UNIcivil society, industries such as Microsoft (Tech Accord) Airbus (Charter of Trust) meeting about the topic of how governance models can best maximize the trustworthiness and resilience of an ultra-high assurance IT and AI certification bodies in critical societal domains, as well as how to follow up from that. The followup focused on the Tech Accord, Charter of Trust, Call of Paris and on the Digital Geneva Convention. ICON NGO was one of those that signed the Call of Paris.

Davide Barillari

Italian Regional Councillor in Lazio Region. Formerly at IBM for 17 years. Expert in Digital democracy, IT security and blockchain. Submitted the 1st law proposal for Trustless Computing.

Davide Barillari is a Certified IT Senior Specialist who worked at IBM for 17 years. In 2013 Davide was the presidential candidate of the Lazio Region for the 5 Stars Movement, and today is elected in the Lazio Regional Council, as spokesman of the citizens. He is a member of the Commission of Health and Social Affair and President of the Commission for Media Pluralism. He is also President of the intergroup Digital Innovation in Public Administration, and is actually working on collective intelligence projects and e-democracy platforms. He is the writer of the first Italian law to introduce digital democracy, AI and blockchain in a regional institution.

Michel Jaccard

Founder and CEO of Id Est Avocats, Swiss law firm specialized in digital privacy and open innovation.

Michel is the Founder of Id Est avocats, an award winning boutique law firm located in Switzerland focusing on delivering strategic and expert advice to successful startups, innovative companies and global brands in the fields of technology, media, intellectual property, privacy and cybersecurity. Michel is also a widely respected corporate law specialist and has acted with his team on some of the most significant rounds of financing, strategic investments, acquisitions and divestitures in the technology sector in recent years in Western Switzerland, including several exits to major US buyers. Michel graduated with honors from Lausanne University (J.D.’93, Ph.D.’96) and Columbia University (LL.M.’97, Fulbright Grantee and Harlan Fiske Stone Scholar). He has practiced law for more than 15 years in Switzerland and abroad in leading business law firms, including as head of practice. He is admitted to the Swiss and New York bars and worked in 2003-2004 in the IP/IT department of White & Case LLP in New York. He has been active in open source matters since 2005, and is a founding member of the International Free and Open Source Law Review (IFOSSLR) editorial committee. Michel was listed among the “300 most influential personalities” in Switzerland by Bilan Magazine and has received top rankings in tech | media | IT | IP and corporate | M&A by leading guides such as Chambers, Legal500 and Best Lawyers.

Stephen Wall

Co-founder of Wealth Mosaic, leader building connections world-wide between startups and wealth managers.

As a specialist analyst focused on broad aspects of the global wealth management sector, Stephen Wall helps support the business needs of both wealth managers and the sector’s diverse solution providers. Ultimately, he sees the sector moving towards a far greater level of partnership, cooperation, co-creation and co-development between the two fields. He responded to both the needs of both wealth managers and solution providers by building The Wealth Mosaic as a dedicated, accessible and curated resource for the business needs. Wall believes the wealth management sector needs support, there needs to be greater and easier access to focused and relevant knowledge resources and it needs to be simpler for wealth managers to discover the solution providers that can support their business needs.

Stephane Nappo

Group Chief Information Security Officer at OVH. Formerly was Chief Information Security Officer of Societè Generale.

“Wouter ‘t Hoen obtained a Masters degree in International Law and European Law at Leiden University in the Netherlands, followed by a postdoc training in European Law at the prestigious College of Europe in Brussels, Belgium. During his career, he has been involved in questions concerning the protection of personal data from different angles: as Data Protection Officer, as legislative lawyer and in compliance roles, in the private sector, the national administration and in international organizations, from the perspective of the protection of the individual’s privacy as well as from a more explicitly investigative perspective. He participated in consultations with industry, representatives of law enforcement and security authorities on policies and legislation to define the proper limits to interference in the privacy rights of individuals, including the interception of electronic communications. As a professional in counterterrorism law he was seconded for two years to the European Commission in Brussels, where he contributed to the completion of counterterrorism legislation based on negotiations with Member States and the European Parliament, including the then-EU Framework Decision on Data Protection. Following his secondment in Brussels, he moved to T-Mobile Netherlands where he took up the position of Data Protection Officer. Nowadays he is fully engaged as lawyer within the Internal Justice System of the World Health Organization in Geneva, where the processing of sensitive personal data can trigger all kind of legal questions.”

Rufo Guerreschi

Executive Director of the Trustless Computing AssociationCEO of its spin-off TRUSTLESS.AIFounder of the Free and Safe in Cyberspace conference series.

Executive Director of the Trustless Computing Association. CEO of  TRUSTLESS.AI Founder of the Free and Safe in Cyberspace conference series. IT security entrepreneur, expert and activist with 20 years of experience. Founded and exited e-democracy startup Participatory Technologies. At 4thpass, acquired by Motorola, he sold +$10M java mobile app stores, including to Telefonica. Founder of the Trustless Computing Association. Launched the Free and Safe in Cyberspace event series.As CEO at Open Media Park, he brought the valuation of the planned EU’s 2nd largest IT/media park from €3m to €21m.

Emmanuelle Tzanos

Committee Member at CLUSIT, the Fédération des Entreprises Romandes FER Genève and the State of Geneva.

CLUSIS Committee Member As a conference speaker at the FIC 2019, Mr Tzanos has represented CLUSIS, the Fédération des Entreprises Romandes FER Genève and the State of Geneva. Advisor for Information Security and Regulatory Compliance, Emmanuel Tzanos also introduced the initiative towards the digitalization of the Swiss Franc and Regulated Crypto-portfolios. In the past Emmanuel has held positions in the financial sector, such as stockbroker, investment banking advisor, private banking compliance officer, financial products engineer. As for the Environment sector, Mr. Tzanos was among the first to monetize Voluntary Carbon Credits (VCS Standard) to save tropical forests (the lungs of the planet). For the geopolitical sector, he has been an advisor in strategic and sustainable economic development.

Wouter ’t Hoen

Senior Legal Expert in privacy and data protection law. Formerly at the Dutch Ministry of the Interior, the European Commission and T-Mobile Netherlands.

Wouter ‘t Hoen obtained a Masters degree in International Law and European Law at Leiden University in the Netherlands, followed by a postdoc training in European Law at the prestigious College of Europe in Brussels, Belgium. During his career, he has been involved in questions concerning the protection of personal data from different angles: as Data Protection Officer, as legislative lawyer and in compliance roles, in the private sector, the national administration and in international organizations, from the perspective of the protection of the individual’s privacy as well as from a more explicitly investigative perspective. He participated in consultations with industry, representatives of law enforcement and security authorities on policies and legislation to define the proper limits to interference in the privacy rights of individuals, including the interception of electronic communications. As a professional in counterterrorism law he was seconded for two years to the European Commission in Brussels, where he contributed to the completion of counterterrorism legislation based on negotiations with Member States and the European Parliament, including the then-EU Framework Decision on Data Protection. Following his secondment in Brussels, he moved to T-Mobile Netherlands where he took up the position of Data Protection Officer. Nowadays he is fully engaged as lawyer within the Internal Justice System of the World Health Organization in Geneva, where the processing of sensitive personal data can trigger all kind of legal questions.”

Luca Benini

Professor of digital circuits and systems at ETH Zurich. Professor at Università di Bologna.

Luca Benini is Full Professor at the University of Bologna and he is the chair of digital Circuits and systems at ETHZ. He has served as Chief Architect for the Platform2012/STHORM project in STmicroelectronics, Grenoble, in the period 2009-2013. He has held visiting and consulting researcher positions at EPFL, IMEC, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, and Stanford University. Dr. Benini’s research interests are in energy-efficient system design and Multi-Core SoC design. He is also active in the area of energy-efficient smart sensors and sensor networks for biomedical and ambient intelligence applications. In these areas he has coordinated tens of funded projects, including an on-going ERC Advanced Grant on Multi-scale thermal management of Computing Systems. He has published more than 700 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences, four books and several book chapters (h-index=84 on Google Scholar). He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a member of the Academia Europaea and has served for two terms as a member of the steering board of the ARTEMISIA European Association on Advanced Research & Technology for Embedded Intelligence and Systems.

Daniel Haudenschild

President of the Board Of Directors of the Crypto Valley Association. Former CEO of Swisscom Blockchain.

As president of the Crypto Valley Association, Daniel aspires to bring applied blockchain adoption to fruition, collaborating with an amazing team. He is also advisor to a few handpicked blockchain based projects. He assists organizations to envisage and translate business challenges into practical deployment of applications by providing motivation, guidance, and strategy to senior stakeholders and teams to realize digital strategies. Daniel started his professional career at Ernst & Young with over 20 years of proven technology enabled transformation delivery. His experience has given him excellent understanding of the opportunities and pitfalls offered by deploying new technology applications, allowing himself to help companies navigate FinTech investments successfully.