We cannot strike a balance between personal freedom and public safety in Cyberspace, as in a “zero-sum game”.

It’s a “both or neither challenge” whose solution is paramount to protecting and enhancing human safety, freedom, democracy in the Digital and AI Age.

The Free and Safe in Cyberspace is a workshop and conference series conceived and organized by the Geneva-based Trustless Computing Association to promote its mission to radically increase the security, privacy, and democratic control of human communications, social networking, and AI, while retaining or increasing public safety.

Since 2015, 11 Editions have been held, once in New York, Iguazu, Berlin, Zürich, four times in Geneva and twice in Brussels. It has attract over 120 World-class speakers including academics, governmental officials, privacy activists, security agencies, and dozens of partners.

Every edition has been sharply focused on solving the “Four Challenges for Freedom and Safety in Cyberspace”, and progressively in deepening and widening a consensus around solutions to them in the form of new Trustless Computing Paradigms, the creation of a new Trustless Computing Certification Body and Seevik Net Initiative.

The Four Challenges for Freedom 
and Safety in Cyberspace

Challenge A


How can we build IT for human communication and social networking systems, for sensitive non-classified computing, that ensure levels of privacy, security and democratic control that radically exceed state-of-the-art?

Challenge B


If we can solve Challenge A, how can we do so while (1) increasing the certainty, rapidity and integrity of legitimate lawful access requests, national and international, via procedural “in-person” mechanisms and (2) sufficiently limit grave and large scale risks of abuse of such access by anyone?

Challenge C


How  IT systems and sub-systems that satisfy Challenge A and/or B, contribute to increase the security, privacy, transparency, safety, accountability, control and alignment of the most critical sub-systems of society-critical IT and advanced AI systems, such as social media, conversational AIs and critical infrastructures?

Challenge D

FOR A, B, & C

What socio-technical paradigms and governance models should guide an on multi-governmental democratic governance structure that can sustainably certify and regulate IT systems that solve Challenge A, B and C?

Some Speakers of Previous FSC editions


Past Editions

Last June, during the 8th edition of the Free and Safe in Cyberspace conference in Geneva/online, we finalized the socio-technical principles and statute of the Trustless Computing Certification Body (“TCCB”) – together with World-class speakers, including top IT security experts, the former top cyber diplomats of USA and Netherlands, and executives of top EU banks.


On January 29th 2020, the 7th Edition was held in ZürichA closed-door Pre-Conference was held on the same day of the 7th Edition in Zürich, reserved to entities actively interested to join as founding members of the main concrete initiative grown out of previous editions, the Trustless Computing Certification Body, which was adhered by Digital Switzerland, Swiss Ministry of Finance, Credit Suisse, Sberbank, Accenture, InfoGuard, ETH, SATW, Kryptus, ElectroSuisse, and others.


On April 9-10th 2019, the 6th Edition was held in Geneva. The 2 day the conference revolved around the classic Free and Safe 4 Challenges, but enphasized the challenges and opportunities posed by IT confidentiality and integrity on the client-side, in particular in the sector of private banks. As usual, a roster of top local and international speaker honoured us of their presence.


On May 4th 2018, the 5th Edition 2018 was held in Berlin. High profiles joined, including Reinhard PoschChief Information Officer for Austria, Andreas Reisen, Head of Division “IT and Cyber Security in Critical Infrastructures and the Private Sector, Secure Information Technology” of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, and more.


On September 22nd-23rd 2016, the 4th Edition 2016 held in Brussels gathered experts, including the CIO of Austria, the Vice-Chair of the EU Parliament LIBE Committee, Paul Nemitz, Director of Fundamental Rights and Union citizenship in the DG Justice of the European Commission, and more. See the Programme, Videos and Slides


On July 21st, 2016, a 3rd Edition was  held in New York with amazing speakers, including Joe Cannataci, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy, and  Max Schrems, the Austrian privacy activist behind the overhaul of Safe Harbor Agreement. See the report


On Oct 16th, 2015, the 2nd Edition was held during the largest South American free software conference in Iguaçu, Brazil, and gathered distinguished minister of IT of Brazil, Marcos Mazoni, Rogerio Winter, a high-ranking official of the Brazilian Cyber Command, the CEO of the most advanced crypto company in Brazil, Kryptus, and more experts. 


On Sept 24-25th 2015, the 1st Edition 2018 was held in Brussels, with a high-level set of speakers, including recognized IT security experts such as Bruce Schneier and Bart Preneel, and from the IT security institutions, such as the Head of Information Superiority of the European Defence Agency, and more. See the report.



The Trustless Computing Association is a non-profit organization, based in Geneva, that has aggregated World-class partners & advisors to build open IT technologies,  certifications & ecosystems that can deliver levels of trustworthiness that are radically higher than state-of-the-art. Together with its spin-off startup TRUSTLESS.AI – based in Zürich – the association has been building (1) Trustless Computing Certification Body, a new IT security standards-setting, certification body, aimed at radically-unprecedented levels of trustworthiness, while at once solidly enabling legit lawful access and (2) building the Seevik Pod and Net, an initial open computing base, ecosystem and IT device,  compliant to such new certifications.