
  • 08.30 – Intro to the event and Intro to Panel 1 by:
    • Jovan Golic Head of EIT Digital Action Line for Privacy, Security & Trust (youtube);
    • Rufo Guerreschi, Exec. Dir at Open Media Cluster (youtube).
  • 09.00 – Keynote by Michael Sieber. Head of Information Superiority at the European Defense Agency. “EU-domestic prospects of a trustworthy Information and Communication environment, to protect citizens, knowledge and critical infrastructures, and to support security and defence. Architectural vision and necessary processes to maximise and sustain the effects of EU investments, especially on innovation” (youtube).
  • 09.15 – Keynote by Peter Ide-Kostic, Senior Policy Analysts at EU Parliament Science and Technology Options Assessment unit (STOA), and Melle Van den Berg, Managing Consultant at CapGemini CyberSecurity Consulting. “Context and follow-up to the EU Parliament report on ‘Mass Surveillance – Part 2: Technology foresight, options for longer-term security and privacy improvements’ (link), commissioned by the EU Parliament LIBE Committee on 2015″ (youtube).
  • 09.30 – Keynote by Andreas Wild. Exec. Dir. ECSEL JU. “Cyber-security: Is software alone enough?. Most widely publicised cyber attacks happen through unauthorized access and malicious software alterations in connected operational systems. In reality, security must be a constant preoccupation throughout the whole life cycle. A secure system needs robust design methodologies, trustworthy supply chains, controlled manufacturing sites, and safe methodologies in deploying and operating it, and this with regard to both hardware and software. What are key challenges and possible responses?” (youtube).
  • 09.45 – Keynote by Pierre Chastanet. Deputy Head of Unit, Trust & Security, DG Connect, EU Commission “A Competitive and Innovative Cybersecurity Industry in Europe” (youtube).
  • 10.00 – SPECIAL Keynote by BRUCE SCHNEIER“Trust, Society, and Technology” (youtube)
  • 10.30 – PANEL 1. CHALLENGE A: Is it feasible to provide ordinary citizens access to affordable and user-friendly end-2-end IT services with constitutionally-meaningful levels of user-trustworthiness, as a supplement to their every-day computing devices? If so, how?  What scale of investments are needed? What standards/certifications can enable a user to reliably distinguish them from other services?  (More in the Panel 1 section of our backgrounder page) (youtube).
    • ModeratorRufo Guerreschi
    • Debaters: Bruce Schneier, Bart Preneel, Richard Stallman, Andreas Wild, Jovan Golic, Bjoern Rupp, Michael Sieber, Melle Van den Berg, Pierre Chastanet.
  • 11.30 – SPECIAL Keynote by RICHARD STALLMAN. “Free software, computing freedom, and privacy (youtube excerpts).
  • 12.00 – PANEL 2. The Role of Free Software. The role of the Free Software movement for the prospects of wide availability of computing with meaningful user control(More in the Panel 2 section of our Backgrounder page) (youtube).
    • Moderator: Bart Preneel
    • Panelists: Richard Stallman, Bjoern Rupp, Michael Hohmuth, Rufo Guerreschi, Kai Rannenberg, Pierre Chastanet, Melle Van den Berg.
  • 12.45 – QA with audience
  • 13.00 – Lunch for both speakers and audience
  • 13.45 – Keynote by Raoul Chiesa (video conf). “Authoritative reports have been proposed recently on possible formalization and socio-technical regulations of existing state lawful cracking that can render it reasonably accountable and respect of the right of citizens. Is it possible given the nature of such systems? What are the main safeguards? Views from an ethical cracking expert.” (youtube).
  • 14.00 – Intro to Panel 3 by Golic or Guerreschi
  • 14.05 – Keynote by Michel Jaccard “Which state legal and liability frameworks are today suitable for user-transparent high-assurance IT services? Policy options and recommendations” (youtube)
  • 14.20 – Keynote by Steven Bellovin (video conf.). “Law enforcement worldwide have proposed new legislation to mandate backdoors in Internet services, along with the lines of the “lawful intercept” requirements that apply to phone networks. This is a very bad idea; such back doors will be buggy and insecure and will hinder innovation. Instead, we propose to formalize and thoroughly regulate existing lawful cracking (or “”lawful hacking”) authorities: after obtaining a proper warrant, law enforcement should hack into endpoints and plant their taps there using existing vulnerabilities. Such software could pick up communications before encryption or after decryption. Safeguards should be extreme and independently certified since computer taps are very invasive” (youtube).
  • 14.35 – Keynote by Marcos Mazoni, (video conf.). “The experience of SERPRO in reconciling meaningful privacy of need of law enforcement via “offline in-person secret-sharing”, by requiring 4 officials of different state agencies to be physically present and approving an order to access. Next steps to increase assurance post-Snowden” (youtube).
  • 14.50 – PANEL  3. CHALLENGE B: Provided that Challenge A can be met, can new voluntary international IT certifications – within some nations’ current legislative frameworks – provide safeguards that are sufficiently-extreme to reconcile meaningful personal privacy, effective lawful access and prevention of malevolent use? If so, what are the core paradigms of such certification processes? (More in the Panel 3 section of our backgrounder page) (youtube).
    • Moderator: Kai Rannenberg
    • Panelists: Bart Preneel, Richard Stallman, Michael Sieber, Steven Bellovin (video conf.), Jovan Golic, Michel Jaccard, Rufo Guerreschi, Yvo Desmedt, Alberto Pellicione.
  • 16.10 – Break
  • 16.25 – Intro to Panel 4, by Rufo Guerreschi
  • 16.30 – Keynote by Eric Drexler. Researcher and Internal Advisor to the Future of Humanity Institute (FHI) “Secure Computing for Safe AI: How can secure computing contribute to AI safety? Control of computational resources and access to information can provide critical tools, not only for conventional computer security but also for implementing strategies for safe access to superintelligent AI capabilities.” (youtube).
  • 16.45 – Keynote by Roman Yampolskiy (video conf.) Professor, AI expert and Author of “Artificial Superintelligence. “AI Safety Concerns and Possible Solutions. In order to properly handle a dangerous Artificially Intelligent (AI) system, it is important to understand how the system came to be in such a state. In this talk, I survey, classify and analyze a number of circumstances, which might lead to the arrival of malicious AI. I will also introduce some currently possible solutions including AI Confinement” (youtube).
  • 17.00 – PANEL 4. What can be the role of new high-assurance international IT certifications and governance models in promoting short and medium-term safety and human “value alignment” in advanced Artificial Intelligence? Can standards for radically more trustworthy IT define a European actionable path, from the short to the long-term, to: (1) restore meaningful digital sovereignty to EU citizens, businesses and institutions, (2) cement a EU leadership in the most security-sensitive IT and “narrow artificial intelligence” sectors, and (3) substantially increase the chances of utopian rather than dystopian long-term artificial intelligence prospects? (More in the Panel 4 section of our backgrounder page) (youtube).
    • Moderator: Jovan Golic
    • Panelists: Eric Drexler, Roman Yampolskiy (video conf.), Michel Sieber, Rufo Guerreschi, Alberto Pelliccione.
  • 17.45 – QA with audience
  • 18.00 – Closing remarks
  • 18.15-21.00 –  Dinner for speakers’ and special guests’